IBS4IBS Approved Practitioners
Approved Practitioners have taken assessments, and have been personally approved by Helen.
Find your local IBS4IBS Approved Practitioner of IBS Hypnotherapy, using this page.
Hypnotherapists who have undertaken the unique and thorough programme of study are eligible to apply for Approved Practitioner Status of IBS4IBS.
The practitioners named below have not only taken the time to learn the IBS4IBS methods; they have also undertaken a rigorous assessment to prove their understanding of anatomy and physiology, diagnosis and symptoms of IBS, and their approach to treating clients with IBS using the IBS4IBS methods.
Only once a practitioner has satisfied the examination requirements are they able to call themselves an 'approved practitioner' of IBS4IBS, and use the IBS4IBS approved practitioner logo on their website.
There is a growing number of elite practitioners who are qualifying.
There are also many practitioners who have undertaken my training, but not undergone assessment. There are also those who have passed the assessment who have not chosen to be listed here.
Please contact me if you would like to find out whether a hypnotherapist in your area has taken the training, but is not (yet!) an approved practitioner of IBS4IBS.
If you are a hypnotherapist who has studied IBS4IBS and would like to be included on the register, please also contact me.
No personal details will be given to anyone without the express permission of the therapist, or the enquiring potential client.