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beautiful empty beach in the Outer Hebrides
Helen Bremner, nurse hypnotherapist, smiling and holding two glass engraved awards for her IBS Hypnotherapy work


'Thank you from the bottom of my heart for putting this course together! Everything is so helpful . . . Including but not limited to: the information about IBS, the links to forms, the handouts for clients, the scripts, and the recordings . . . ' Erika Bunnin (hypnotist and health educator, California).


'The case studies have been very helpful and I have enjoyed exploring their complexity and nuances - strange as that may sound :-)

Thank you for pulling this resource set and training together.' Leona Dawson (Approved Practitioner of IBS4IBS).


'Really find it so thorough, so informed and appropriate.' Jenn Price-Jones.


'Am loving the course, content, detail and links and would congratulate you on the quality of the course.

In the year or since embarking on your training course, I am a different practitioner.

I would endorse your course as having two distinct benefits.

1. That it does what it says on the tin and ALL of the clients I have seen and treated for IBS have made measurable improvements.w

2. That the course and the skills i gained gave me an insight into what I didn't known and was unaware I didn't know. Truly a wonderful gift.

Dave Morrice (Approved Practitioner of IBS4IBS)


'I found it really useful' 'ID'


'Many thanks for my certificate, I look forward to using the techniques to help many people. The certificate arriving on my birthday has to top the present list!' Liz Mclachlan (Approved Practitioner of IBS4IBS)

'With your help (your system) I can continue your great work here in Australia... makes me Smile' Mandy Hale

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